Smith Wigglesworth's Insight on the Secret Place and How to Enter In and Surrender to Him
How do I let God have control and surrender to Him in the Secret Place? Discover a Solid Word understanding with insight from Smith Wigglesworth.
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Here is a link to my note-
Everything must be built upon the Word-
“On any line or principle of faith you must have something established in you to bring that forth. And there is no establishment outside God’s Word for you. Everything else is sand… If you build on anything else but the Word of God- on imaginations, sentimentality, or any feelings, or any special joy, it will mean nothing without you have a foundation, and the foundation will have to be in the Word of God.”
Smith Wigglesworth
Here in the Secret Place-
“It is here we get a revelation of a life crucified with Christ, buried with Him, raised with Him, transformed by Christ, and empowered by the Spirit.”
Smith Wigglesworth
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Warmest greetings in the Name of Jesus